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Former Pupils (2)

This Section contains images of former pupils. If you have images or would like to write a short piece about your recollections  please send them to the Webmaster.

Back Row L-R Malcolm Willis, Philip Ingle, Russel Wanhill, ?, John (Jim) Liles, Martin Jeffery, French Exchange student, Derek Williams, Robert Tooze, John Ayling Middle Row L-R Kevin Shehan, Derek Skinner, Sumner(?), Ray Copplestone, ?, Chris Butcher, Bob(?) Jackson, Peter Wheeler, ?,?,?. Front Row L-R Marks(?), Keith Guy, ?, David Jefferies, Anthony Eden, Bernard King, Mr “Dickie” Richards, Robert Aylmer, Ronald Wilson, ?, David Larner, Kevin Malley
Image includes: Robson, Peter Joinson, George White, Roger Harding, Alan Smith, Baron, Robin Sutherland, Bruce Clothier, Roger Hopgood, Michael Hurl, George Reekie, George Butterworth, R. Hill, Sherwood, Michael Worden, John Cave, Alan Ebbutt, Colin Cates, David Springett, John Russell, Peter Rose, David Martin
Class 1F 1960. Ray Roberts and Ron Moss 2nd & 3rd from left front row. Derek Schulman (later to become Simon Dupre of Simon Dupre and the Big Sound) is 6th from left front row. Tony (?) Faulkner 2nd from left middle row. Ken Rowlands (?) 3rd left back row). John Cave back row 2nd right
2nd or 3rd form about 1959/60. Back row l/r Taylor (now David Calder - the TV actor), Thorne, Francis, Beuzeval, Reynolds, Jenner, Higgins, Broomfield, Bray, Fullalove. Middle l/r Marshman, John, Malcolm, Menzies, Slade, Enfield, Fiske, Standring, Hilder, Rolfe Front row l/r Ayling, Hopkins, Needs, Jones, Hoare, Bridle, Bannister, Brown, Thompson, Smith, Atkins, Dennison
Form 2N 1958 Rear row, left to right 3rd Traill, 4th Mick Johnson, 5th Vivian Green, 6th Richard Brown, 8th Barry Mills, 9th Quentin Payne, 10th Pete Mintram, extreme rt Clift
Middle row 4th Reeves, 5th Norman Gartside; , 6th Tarrant, 7th Menzies, 9th Bernard Keswick, extreme rt Stewart
Front row left to right: 1st Trevor Clay, 2nd Bill Legg, 3rd Simon Hackett; 4th M Garside, 7th Ron Hellyer; 9th Reg Walters, 12th Mike Sanger (ie on the extreme right)
1972 Photo Image includes: Charles Stone, Terence Burbridge, Metherell, Pegg,,Charles Kirby, Paul Sissons, Martin Hutchinson, Walker, Mike Stone, Phil Voke, Cliff Bacon, John Langham-Brown, Bernard Hodrien, Clive Beilby, Dave Matthews, Paul Hulbert, Chris Stanley, John Tooth, Williamson, Dave Ainsworth, Martin Bargent, O'Shea, Chris Wrien, Keith Salter, Mark Rudman,Weedon, Mike Webb, Jaffer, Oxley, Alan Hounsham, Noel Thorpe, Rick Buckler, Tony Waldron, Peter Lock, Paul Hunt, Danny Milne, Jamieson, Benn, Ian Howarth, Wilkinson, Richard Cutting
" The News" report 1976. NB - it is interesting that the boys were still wearing SGS uniform although the school had become Great Salterns Comprehensive the previous year