World War 1 Roll of Honour [F.A Jeffery - F. Windibank]
Francis Cecil Knowles attended 1913-1916. Died 24/10/1918 age 18. He is buried in West Norwood Cemetery. Sadly, we do not have an image of him.
Edward George Ling attended 1906-1909. Died 26/06/1915 aged 21. He is buried in Longuenesse(St Omer) Souvenir Cemetery.
Reginald Thomas Mills attended 1908-1909. Died 09/05/1915 aged 19. He was the son of James and Nellie Mills of 13 Bramfield Road, Battersea, London. He is remembered on the Ploegsteert Memorial. Sadly we do not have an image of him.

Thomas Leslie Makepeace attended 1901-1903. A pre-War entrant to the Navy, he served on surface ships before being transferred to submarines in the War where his duties were in especially dangerous places. The strain told on his health but he did not give in until compelled to do so; he never fully recovered and died in hospital in England at the age of 30.
Clarence Wilfred Wilkinson attended 1904-1906. Sadly, we do not have an image of him and we are still attempting to discover more information. We will update if/when available.
Further biographical details of each of those listed are available on the Memorials in Portsmouth website. We are grateful to Tim Backhouse for producing this on our behalf. To view the details open the website and then the memorial location page; then select option 12 (S. Grammar School for Boys) and then the former pupils Roll of Honour (World War 1). The names are then shown in 3 alphabetic blocks at the bottom of the page. www.memorialsinportsmouth.co.uk . Much of the information on this page has also been reproduced from that website and we are grateful to Tim Backhouse for his permission.